Manna Dey


  • MA in Applied Linguistics and TESOL , University of Portsmouth, UK
  • BA in English Linguistics , North South University
Short Biography:

M. Dey is a dedicated academic specializing in sociolinguistics, second language acquisition (SLA), and language education (TESOL, EFL, ESL, ELT). Currently a Lecturer at the World University of Bangladesh's Department of English, Dey has a strong commitment to language research and education.

Dey's contributions include peer reviewing for the LLT Journal, Indonesia and the British Journal of Applied Linguistics, UK and copyediting for the International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation, UK.  Dey has also taught English at the Embassy Summer School, University of Portsmouth, UK.

Research interests cover the globalization of spoken English training in India, psychological processes in language learning, and native speakerism in language education. Dey's work is published in journals like the LLT Journal and Journal of Psychological Perspective. Additionally, Dey has authored book chapters and contributed to translations.

Dey has delivered keynote addresses at international conferences, such as the one at Saida University, Algeria. Active in organizations like the American Association for Applied Linguistics, Dey is also a certified singer.

Book Section
  • Publication


    Dey, M(2021) Are There Gender Differences in Communication Style? Year: 2021. Country: London, UK
     Dey, M, & Relojo-Howell, D. (2021). A systematic review of studies relating to the psychological well being of doctors and allied healthcare professionals during the Covid-19 pandemic. Problems of Psychology in the 21* Century, 15(1), 18-25. Country: Republic of Lithuania
     Dey, M. (2021). Psychological processes in language learning and teaching: Scoping review and future research directions. Journal of Psychological Perspective, 3(2), 105-110. Country : Indonesia
    Muchtar, C., Noviani, D., & Dey, M. (2022). RELIGIOUS MODERATION IN THE FRAMEWORK OF LIFE. International Journal of Islamic Education, Research and Multiculturalism (IJIERM), 4(2), 135-149. Country : Indonesia
     Sawalmeh, M., & Dey, M. (2023). Globalization and the increasing demand for spoken English teachers. Research Journal in Advanced Humanities, 4(2). Country : Kenya (Scopus )
    Dey, M. D. (2023). FOUR MAIN CHARACTERISTICS OF ENGLISH PRAGMATICS. LLT Journal: A Journal on Language and Language Teaching, 26(2), 509-518. Country : Indonesia ( Scopus)

     Book Reviews

    • Dey, M. (2023). BOOK REVIEW: UNDERSTANDING SECOND LANGUAGE ACQUISITION. LLT Journal: A Journal on Language and Language Teaching, 26(1), 408-410. Country : Indonesia ( Scopus)

     • Dey, M. (2023). Social Leadership in Early Childhood Education and Care: An Introduction. SALEE: Study of Applied Linguistics and English Education, 4(2), 626-629. Country : Indonesia

    Book Chapters

     The book "IDENTITY : Reflections & Paradigms" has been published in 2023 by Purbayan Publication (India) under the supervision of B.R.M Government Model College, Department of English, (Doomdooma, India) and the chapter written by me is "Identity as a Legal Concept & Economic Identity".


SL Collaboration & Membership Name Type Membership Year Membership Expire Year
1 DGKL/GCLA (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kognitive Linguistik/German Cognitive Linguistics Association) Lifetime 2022
2 International Systemic Functional Linguistics Association (ISFLA) Lifetime 2020
3 American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), United States Lifetime 2021
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