About Department 

About English Department

Since our establishment in January 2007, we are proudly offering BA and MA in English (Literature) programs, catering to both aspiring students and seasoned professionals. Our dedicated team comprises 17 in-house faculty members, including 16 full-time and 1 part-time staff, stationed at our permanent campus in Uttara, Sector-17 on Lake Drive Road. With their expertise and commitment, we ensure the delivery of quality education to our students.

The primary objective of the Department of English is to cultivate leaders armed with comprehensive knowledge and essential skills for economic advancement and societal welfare. Aligned with the university's mission, the department strives to foster academic, personal, and social growth among students through pragmatic education and critical thinking, leveraging the latest advancements in knowledge. It aims to equip students with the communicative and analytical proficiencies necessary for further academic pursuits and employment opportunities in both public and private sectors.

In essence, the program seeks to champion liberal humanistic values by exploring English and American literary masterpieces, non-native English writings, cultural studies, and postcolonial studies. Additionally, it aims to foster a critical comprehension of issues pertaining to English language teaching, linguistics, and literature, preparing students and professionals with cutting-edge knowledge and skills to confront academic and professional challenges head-on. Graduates of the program are equipped with communication prowess, problem-solving abilities, interpersonal skills, critical thinking acumen, ethical integrity, a dedication to lifelong learning, IT proficiency, and information literacy.

The department offers a range of facilities, including well-equipped classrooms, day and evening classes, Friday sessions tailored for professionals and service personnel, student-friendly fee structures and payment options, student memberships with professional, social, and cultural organizations, performance-based scholarships, special waivers for families of freedom fighters and select others, as well as various clubs such as the Language Club, WUB LitClub, Cultural Club, and Debating Club, among others, designed to cultivate valuable life skills in students.

About World University of Bangladesh

World University of Bangladesh (WUB) established under the private University Act, 1992 (amended in 1998), approved and recognized by the Ministry of Education, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and the University Grants Commission (UGC) of Bangladesh is a leading university for utilitarian education. The University is governed by a board of trustees constituted as per private universities Act 2010 which is a non-profit making concern. The university is a member of the Association of Private Universities in Bangladesh, Association of Common Wealth Universities and Quality Assurance & Improvement Council and appears in the worldwide listing of universities by the UNESCO.

Although the formal approval to start operation of the World University of Bangladesh was received on February 26, 2003, the ground work for the university began in early part of 2000, Now the university on entering its 10th year of operation has all needed infrastructural facilities and highly qualified teachers in its 3 faculties and 11 departments with 24 programs at day and evening.

World University of Bangladesh is destined to provide utilitarian education for economic emancipation without undermining the national ideals and aspirations and is authorized to offer courses and award degrees, diplomas, certificates on its own. At present it has credit transfer arrangements and academic collaborations with some universities in UK, USA, Australia and the Caribbean.

The university had its first convocation on 28th October 2008, where 782 students received degree from the Hon’ble President of People’s Republic of Bangladesh and Chancellor of World University of Bangladesh. (also see our website: www.wub.edu.bd). As many as 2300 students are now ready for conferment of degrees in the up-coming convocation. None of its degree holders is unemployed implying its emphasis on quality education with utilitarian bent.

This university is the pioneer in introducing degree programs for the Diploma Engineers; B.Sc. in Mechatronics Engineering (MTE) & Master of Business Education (MBE) in this part of the world. The MTE program also known as electro-Mechanical engineering in few western countries is a synergistic combination of a number of basic engineering and administrative courses. As such, it is a highly demanding course at home and abroad. The MBE program is meant for people destined to make career in teaching of business related subjects and for those willing to make a career in practical business world in short span of time. We have few Institutes and various types of collaboration programs. All of our programs are approved by the UGC. We publish some journals which have earned appreciation at home and abroad.


The vision of the Department of English of World University of Bangladesh is to create leaders equipped with befitting knowledge and required skills for economic emancipation and social well-being.


In harmony with the mission of the university, the Department of English aims at enabling students to flourish academically, personally and socially through utilitarian education and critical thinking with the help of latest development in knowledge. It provides students with the communicative and analytical skills required for employment in both public and private fields, and for higher studies.


  • To provide conducive environment for effective learning.
  • To develop and offer a dynamic syllabus to meet the changing needs of business world.
  • To provide advanced knowledge and skills that are specific to conducting any business from small enterprises to multinational corporations.
  • To equip the candidate with much wider career opportunities, particularly in those sectors where globalization or the increasing internationalization of trade is a new or up and coming phenomenon.
  • To prepare graduates for employment in challenging but rewarding area.
  • To integrate cultural understandings with relevant functional skills and prepare graduates for employment in virtually all aspects of government, commerce, and trade.
  • To enable the graduates to progress to senior management positions in business management and operations where specialist knowledge can be used.
  • To develop and enrich the faculty members with required qualities and skills.


The objective of the program is to provide time-befitting and utilitarian education both in English language and literature, promote liberal humanitarian values through the study of the masterpieces of English and American literature, non-native writings in English, cultural studies, postcolonial studies etc., develop critical understanding of issues related to English language, linguistics and teaching English language and literature, prepare students as well-trained professionals to meet the needs and demands of various job sectors, and provide students the skills necessary to face the challenges of the 21st century.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs):

PEO-1 To develop students' knowledge of the English language, literature, history, and applied linguistics;
PEO-2 To maximize students' professional communication skills and leadership qualities;
PEO-3 To provide students with opportunities so that they can critically analyze issues of the English language, literature, and linguistics innovatively, creatively, and ethically through sustainable approaches; and
PEO-4 To equip students with required analytical skills and raise their thirst for knowledge so that they value lifelong learning for future career advancement.

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs):

PLO-1 Knowledge
PLO-2 Practical skills
PLO-3 Social skills and responsibilities
PLO-4 Ethics, professionalism and humanities
PLO-5 Communication, leadership and team skills
PLO-6 Scientific methods, critical thinking and problem solving skills
PLO-7 Lifelong learning and information management
PLO-8 Entrepreneurship and managerial skills
PLO-9 IT familiarity/Use of technology/Information literacy/ Information management

Others Facilities

  • Faculty members facilitate blended teaching and learning through an e-learning platform.
  • Our institution exclusively employs full-time faculty members.
  • Our faculty consists of highly qualified individuals, including Ph.D. candidates, M.Phil holders, and those with foreign degrees.
  • A counseling system is in place to provide support and guidance to students.
  • Teachers exhibit dedication, cooperation, and approachability in their interactions with students.
  • The curriculum undergoes regular review focusing on proper alignment of learning outcomes with graduate profiles and well-researched market needs.
  • We offer affordable tuition fees to ensure accessibility to education.
  • Our institution fosters exchange programs with prestigious foreign universities.
  • Scholarships are available for both financially disadvantaged and academically outstanding students.
  • Our campus is situated in attractive locations, featuring a magnificent permanent campus.
  • The student-teacher ratio for undergraduate programs is maintained at 25:1.
  • We provide ample and well-equipped facilities including classrooms, libraries, ICT resources, internet connectivity, and a competent workforce.
  • The department meticulously maintains students’ progress documents and extends appropriate support as needed.
  • Faculty members regularly contribute to academia by publishing research articles in peer-reviewed journals.
  • Teachers actively encourage and prepare students for involvement in research endeavors.
  • Students are provided with opportunities for participation in co-curricular activities through organizations like the World English Club.